Please remember that the office line does not ring in the rectory. As a result, when you leave a message on the office line after hours or on the weekend it is very likely that message will not be heard until the next business day. (e.g., If you leave a message on Friday evening, you likely won’t get a response until Monday morning.) During the evenings or on weekends, if you have AN EMERGENCY (illness or death in the family) or a TIME SENSITIVE matter (you noticed that the church was on fire) and need an immediate response from Fr. Stephen please call the rectory (653-6842).
Day: February 10, 2011
Parish Council
The next meeting of the Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council will be this coming Wednesday, February 16th at 5:30pm.
Finance Committee
The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be on Tuesday, February 22nd at 7pm.