This is the 6th article in this Liturgy Series in preparation for a new translation for the Mass prayers which will be used by both the priest and the people and will be introduced for our use on the First Sunday of Advent of this year (November 27th).
How will the implementation of the revised Roman Missal be done in the Diocese of Saint John?
Before use of the revised Roman Missal becomes mandatory, dioceses and parishes will need to prepare for the implementation.
1. Liturgical books, such as the Sacramentary, will need to be replaced.
2. Participation aids, such as music aids, may need to be replaced and/or revised.
3. Priests will need to learn new texts.
4. The music ministers and parishioners will need to learn new musical settings for the parts of the Mass.
5. Parishioners will need to learn new prayers, responses, and gestures to ensure the “full, active, and conscious participation” of the entire assembly, which was called for by the Second Vatican Council.
This will all take time so that all involved will truly understand and appreciate the revisions that have occurred. To help us prepare, the Bishops of Canada will be issuing catechetical resources to assist Canadian Catholics in preparing for the revised translation. These materials are being finalized now that the text of the revised Roman Missal has been approved. Some parishes/missions have already ordered copies of Celebrate in Song, the CD Prepare and Pray, as well as other materials.
For more information, you can call or write Father Paul Leblanc, Director of Liturgy for the Diocese of Saint John at:
1 Bayard Drive
Saint John, NB E2L 3L5
Phone: 653-6813