Christmas Baskets

We have begun our annual food drive. As always, we are asking you to bring in a particular item on a designated weekend. Next weekend’s (October 16/17) item is:

Canned Vegetables

We also need cash donations to pay for turkeys, milk, bread and other perishable items. These can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The Mitten Trunk will be available in the Church during Advent to receive mittens, socks, hats and gloves for the children.

Registration for the Christmas Baskets and Empty Stocking Fund will be on Friday, November 12th from 1- 3pm in the Family Centre. Please bring Medicare Cards for all members of your family. If you are in need, or know anyone in the area who is, please come and see us. Should you wish to have a discussion in advance of the registration, please feel free to call Sister Nickerson (696-1500) – all information is confidential.

The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards at the entrance of the church, and here on our website.