Mass Intentions

If you wish to book a Mass intention, only the following weekend remains available for this year – August 28 or 29. We are now accepting bookings for 2011. Please remember that we are only allowed to book one Mass per weekend, as one has to be “For the Parish”. As always, should you wish to book a Mass during the week, there are openings available, and we can generally provide you with your desired date. If you would like to check if your preferred date is available, the full calendar of Mass intentions for 2010 & 2011 is offered at our website.


This weekend’s bulletin contained an error in the Mass schedule for the upcoming week. The Mass intention for Saturday, May 22 was incorrectly listed as being for James Butler. The Mass will in fact be offered for Wilbur Doyle. We apologize for any confusion.

Religious Education

Our Religious Education program has concluded for the year, and we would like to take the opportunity to thank our Coordinator, Dee Dee Logan, and all of the teachers for their hard work and dedication throughout the past year. We would also like to thank teachers, students and parents for their patience during the prolonged construction in the Family Center last fall.

Finally, thank you to everyone who helped out with the successful Confirmation reception last weekend.

Parish Picnic

Our annual picnic will be held on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 20th. Sign-up sheets are located at the entrance of the church. If you can help out at the barbeque, or are willing to bring some food, please take a moment to add your name to one, or more, of the sheets. It is especially important for us to have an approximate number of people attending so that we will have enough prizes for the children and plenty of food for everyone.

Peace Penny Thank You

The children of our Religious Education program have raised a total of $272.60 (27,260 pennies) for the Belfast Children’s Vacation Project during this past year. They would like to thank all the parishioners who helped them achieve this great amount and they would like to remind everyone to save their pennies during the summer as they will begin again in October.

CWL Closing Dinner

The closing dinner for the Holy Trinity CWL will be held on Wednesday, June 9th. Mass will be celebrated at 5:15pm. Members will meet after Mass (6:15pm) at the Reversing Falls Restaurant. Members will be contacted.