Christmas Baskets

Requested food item for the weekend of November 2nd/3rd: Ketchup/Relish/Mustard
Sr. Nickerson also needs cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards.

Christmas Baskets

Requested food item for the weekend of October 26th/27th: Peanut Butter/Jam/Chunky Soup/Stew
Sr. Nickerson also needs cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards.

Christmas Baskets

Requested food item for the weekend of October 19th/20th: Canned Juice (Apple/Tomato)
Sr. Nickerson also needs cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards.