Special Collection For Africa

On September 15/16, there will be a special collection taken up for Africa, which continues to suffer through the worst drought in 60 years. Donations will be forwarded to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), which has an organization in place that will ensure that your donations will get to those in need. The Government of Canada has pledged to match all monies raised through this collection. Special envelopes for this collection are available at the entrance of the church.


The September meeting the Holy Trinity CWL will be held on Tuesday, September 4th, 3pm, in the Family Center. Please note the time change. If you have any questions, please call Corinne (657-5414).

Religious Education

We are required to have baptism certificates on file for ALL Religious Education students (both new and returning) in the fall. If your child will be attending our Religious Education program this year, and you have not provided us with a baptism certificate in previous years, we ask that you do one of the following.

1. If your child was baptized here at Holy Trinity, please call the office (653-6838) and leave your child’s name and date of birth on our voice mail. You can also email (office@holytrinitysj.com) the same information.

2. If your child was baptized in another parish, please contact that church directly and ask them to fax (653-6848) or email (office@holytrinitysj.com) your child’s baptism certificate to us.

We would like to thank parents in advance for their assistance in helping to make the jobs of our Religious Education teachers a little easier.

Religious Education Teachers

We are looking for 3 teachers for our Religious Education program beginning in September for Grades 3 – 6. If you would be willing to share your faith and contribute to the education of the youth of our parish every Sunday morning for an hour, please contact Dee Dee Logan (642-4933).

Food Bank Sunday

This weekend (August 18/19) we encourage you to bring in a non-perishable food item and leave it at the entrance of the church. All donations will be taken to the Charlotte Street Food Bank.