White Ribbon Campaign

On November 12th & 13th the CWL will hold their White Ribbon Against Pornography campaign. The campaign asks parishioners to sign a ribbon in support of Canadians Against Sexual Exploitation which protects children against sexual exploitation. The ribbon will be sent to our local Member of Parliament.

Memorial Mass

We want to remind you that our parish Memorial Mass will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7pm.

The following individuals will be remembered this year:
Elizabeth Margaret Parks
Joseph Archibald Gormley
Kevin James Grant Tilly
Leo Gregory Mulholland
Dorothy Helen Sweeney
Mary Edna McKenna
Catherine Regina Sullivan
Eileen Mary Russell
Louis Eugene DesRoche
Mary Isabel McDougall
Mary Anastasia Skidd
Francis Richard Leach
Doris Mary Burke
Mabel Thelma Cormier
Constance Ann Marie Knudson
Theresa Lynn Russell
Frederick Ralph Logan
Constance Eileen Stanton
Allison MacKenzie Wetmore
Harry Monty Pothier
Margaret Mary Sheehan
Helen Marion Cutler
Susan Eileen Lanteigne

Christmas Baskets

Requested food item for weekend of November 5th/6th: Canned Juice (Apple/Tomato)

In addition to the list distributed last week, Sr. Nickerson asks that you consider adding cookies and pudding to your shopping list for the children that we will be helping this year. There is no set weekend to bring in these items.

We also need cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards and at HolyTrinitySJ.com/ChristmasBaskets.


The winner of the CWL Fall Quilt Draw was Janet Marr. The CWL would like to thank the following businesses for allowing them to sell raffle tickets: Saint John City Market, Brunswick Square, Lancaster Mall, Canadian Tire (West & East), Zellers West, Sobeys Lansdowne, Super Store (Rothesay Ave. & KV), and Saint John Exhibition.

Memorial Mass

Our parish Memorial Mass will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7pm. As there was no Memorial Mass held last year, this one will remember those whose funeral liturgies were held at Holy Trinity during 2010 & 2011. A reception will follow in the Family Centre.