The closing dinner of the year for the Holy Trinity CWL will take place on Thursday, May 28th. Members will meet at Holy Trinity for Mass at 5pm and then travel to the Mediterranean Restaurant for dinner. Members will be contacted in advance.


Thank you to all who supported the Mother’s Day Breakfast. Congratulations to Stella Roy and Connie English, winners of the Mother’s Day Baskets. $234 was raised for the Building Fund.

Congratulations to Yvonne Perry and Doreen Mulholland, winners of the 50/50 squares. Thank you to everyone for your support!


Thank you to everyone who supported the recent Spaghetti Dinner & Auction. Your donations to and attendance at this event is greatly appreciated. $1,081 was raised for the Building Fund!

Congratulations to Eva Kelly & Emery Richard who were the winners of the 50/50 Squares. Thanks to all for your support.

Special Collection

Bishop Harris has asked us to take up a special collection for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal on the weekend of May 16th & 17th. If you wish to make a contribution to this cause, please place your donation in an envelope marked “Nepal” and place it in the collection that weekend. As always, please include your name or envelope number for tax receipt purposes. We need to have all donations by May 17th as there is a tight deadline for us to submit funds in time for them to be matched by the Government of Canada. Bishop Harris is also requesting your prayers for those suffering in Nepal.