Lenten Folders

For those using the Lenten coin folders we ask that you avoid taping individual quarters. It makes them very sticky, which makes our bank very unhappy. The folders are treated especially gently to ensure nothing falls out. There is also a place on the folder for you to write in the total amount in the folder. As long as you write in the amount, there is no need to worry if a quarter or two become dislodged. As always, we thank you for your help.

Job Opening

The Diocese of Saint John is currently looking for someone to fill the part-time position of Coordinator of Spiritual and Religious care at the Saint John Regional Hospital. Job description and contact information are available here.

CWL Bursary

The Saint John Diocesan Catholic Women’s League offers a bursary of $300 to a student entering university, community college, business college, technical school or school of nursing. Information and an application can be obtained by called Corina Devlin (657-5414). Completed applications must be returned by March 20th.

Easter Ministry Schedule

There is a sign-up sheet at the entrance of the church for those involved in the various ministries to indicate which Mass they will be attending at Easter. The sign-up sheet will be available until this Sunday, March 10th.

2013 Sunday Envelopes

Envelopes will be available at the back of the church beginning this weekend, December 15th & 16th. If the address listed on your envelopes is incorrect, please contact the office as that is the address where your 2012 tax receipts will be sent in January.