Help Wanted

The Charlotte Street Food Bank is in desperate need of volunteers, especially men, on Wednesdays & Thursdays. If you have a few hours each week to contribute to this extremely worthwhile cause, please call Brenda (849-8962).

Responsible Ministry

All those who either volunteer or work in any role at Holy Trinity Parish are encouraged to attend a training session on Responsible Ministry (the protection of our children and vulnerable adults). The discussion of this critically important topic will be led by Fr. Peter Stephen, our pastor, and Mike Campbell, chair of our Parish Pastoral Council. The meeting will be held in the Family Center on Wednesday, May 23rd at 6:30pm. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan to be with us. We look forward to seeing you.

First Communion

The children in our Grade 2 Religious Education class will be receiving First Communion this Sunday, May 6th during the 9:30am Mass. Please keep these children in your prayers. Everyone is invited to a reception in the Family Center afterwards. Please feel free to bring a plate of sandwiches or sweets.

Evening Prayer

The Sisters of Charity invite you to attend Evening Prayer at Holy Trinity on Thursday, May 3rd, 7pm. All are welcomed to this monthly event. Evening Prayer is a peaceful 30-40 minutes experienced in Word, Music and Silence at the end of the day.

Mother’s Day

The tribute page in our bulletin has always been a popular way that Parishioners choose to remember and honor their Mothers. Simply print her name on an envelope and “In Memory of” if she is deceased or “In Honor of” if she is still living. Please also write “Mother’s Day” somewhere on the envelope. You may also choose to place a donation for the Building Fund in the same envelope but this is not required. Please place it in the collection no later than Sunday, May 6th.

Annual March For Life

This year’s “March for Life” at the New Brunswick Legislature will take place on Thursday, May 17th. This year the theme is “Pro-Women, Pro-Child, Pro-Life”. Heading the line-up are women speakers who are staunchly pro-life and proud of it: singer-songwriter Kathleen Dunn, who has her own pro-life group “Voice” and will perform a number of songs, and Elisha Lakin will share her moving testimony on how she is alive today only because her birth mother chose adoption.

Schedule of Events
10:00am — Mass at Dunstan’s Church with our Bishop Robert Harris
11:00am — Gathering music at the New Brunswick Legislature
11:30am — Formal program begins
1:00pm — Walk to Mother and Child House for closing Prayer Vigil followed by a reception at St. Dunstan’s Parish Hall

All Catholics are encouraged to make plans to attend this annual event. This is our one opportunity to stand up and witness to our faith as Christians by letting the government and MLA’s know we are looking to them to support the most basic human right: “Life”. You may wish to bring a lawn chair for the program at the Legislature. Buses are available for those who need transportation. For further information call NB Right to Life at 459-8990 or 1-888-796-9600.


The annual closing Mass and dinner for the Holy Trinity CWL will be held on Tuesday, April 24th. Mass will be celebrated at 5:30pm and members will then gather at the Reversing Falls Restaurant. If you have NOT been contacted please call Corinne (657-5414).