The next meeting of the CWL will be held on Tuesday, October 4th at 7:30pm in the Family Center.

Please Note: The Family Centre is located in the basement of a 119 year-old building with a rock wall foundation and partial dirt floor. It is sometimes cool, damp and even musty. CWL members are advised to dress appropriately to avoid any undue discomfort.

Parish Website

We have partnered with to enable us to receive donations through our website. is a completely secure website used by thousands of charities across the country, including the Saint John Regional Hospital’s “The Give” campaign.

Clicking on the CanadaHelps button on the right side of our website will allow you to make a donation to our Building Fund using your credit card. The site also gives individuals the opportunity to make their donation in memory, or in honour, of a loved one. Tax receipts are immediately emailed to donors; and the donation is deposited electronically in our bank account. Should you be making a donation in memory of someone, you can send that person’s family members a Building Fund card via email, or make a request for the parish to mail one on your behalf. Please check it out and let us know what you think.

The Liturgy Committee Needs You!

The Liturgy Committee is looking for new individuals who may be interested in becoming members of the Committee (they only meet once a month, about 9 times/year). If you don’t feel you have the time to come to meetings, they also require help from parishioners decorating the church at various times of the year (Easter, Thanksgiving, Memorial Mass, Christmas, etc). Our Liturgy Committee is a very laid-back, easy group to work with. If you can assist by either becoming a Committee members or are just willing to lend a hand at decorating, please contact Cindy Doyle (633-5895 or or the office.