Mother’s Day

Because Easter was so late this year, Mother’s Day has kind of crept up on us. Because it is next weekend, we have placed a sign-up sheet at the entrance of the church. If you would like your mother’s name included in the Mother’s Day bulletin, please take a moment and add her name to the list. If you don’t get the opportunity on the weekend, you can contact the office until next Wednesday, May 8th. You may email ( your mother’s name or leave a message on our voicemail (653-6838). Please tell us if your mother’s name is to be “In Memory of” if she is deceased, or “In Honor of” if she is still living. You may also choose to make a donation for the Building Fund in honor of your Mother, and that can be dropped in the collection on Mother’s Day. We would like to apologize for not giving parishioners more notice about the Mother’s Day bulletin, and promise that you will have plenty of notice for the Father’s Day bulletin.

Divine Mercy Sunday Hour Of Mercy

Everyone is encouraged to participate in this special Hour of Mercy on Sunday, May 1st at 3pm. This Holy Hour is even more special this year, as His Holiness, the late Pope John Paul II, who instituted the feast day of Divine Mercy Sunday in response to Our Lord’s request, will be beatified on that day. A reception will follow in the Family Centre. All are welcome.


On Holy Thursday (April 21st), there will be Adoration in the church beginning at 8pm, and continuing until midnight. We are asking for volunteers to be here throughout the evening as we require someone to be present at all times. The sign-up sheet is available at the entrance.

Holy Week Liturgical Schedule

Tuesday, April 19th 11am – 12pm Confessions
  12 noon Mass
  6:30pm Chrism Mass (at Cathedral)
Holy Thursday, April 21st 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
  8pm – Midnight Adoration
Good Friday, April 22nd 12 noon Passion of our Lord
Holy Saturday, April 23rd 8pm Vigil Mass of Resurrection
Easter Sunday, April 24th 9:30am Easter Sunday Mass