Ash Wednesday

The following is the schedule for Mass on Ash Wednesday, March 9th, 5:15pm.

Server Bill Butler
R1 Cindy Doyle
R2 Carole-Anne Holmeslauder
R3 Mary O’Connell
Cup Debra McIntyre
Cup Earlene McPhee
Presentation Doreen Butler & Agnes Crowley
Greeter Mickey & Mary Pothier
Ashes Mike Campbell
Ashes David Lewis


First Friday Holy Hour

The monthly First Friday Holy Hour will take place at St. Joachim’s on Friday, March 4th from 11am – 12:30pm. The Holy Hour begins at 11am and will consist of exposition, adoration, and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; concluding with 12 noon Mass. All Holy Trinity parishioners are invited and encouraged to join us as we spend this special time with Our Lord.

Mass Schedule Update

Due to funerals last week both of our daily Masses were cancelled. The Mass for the English Family, originally scheduled for February 15th, will be celebrated on February 22nd. The Mass for Mary McDougall, originally scheduled for February 17th, will be celebrated on February 24th.

Mass Updates

The following two Masses that were cancelled during the past week have been rescheduled as follows: The Mass scheduled for Tuesday, January 18th for Helen Cutler has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 13th. The Mass scheduled for Thursday, January 20th for Leo Mulholland has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 27th.