Help Wanted

We need some more people to assist with the various ministries here at Holy Trinity. If you would like to assist be becoming a Reader, Server, Eucharistic Minister or perhaps you may like to become a Greeter or occasionally bring up the gifts. If you would be interested in learning more about any of these ministries, please contact Cindy Doyle (633-5895 or

Religious Education

Classes begin on Sunday, September 15th, after the 9:30am Mass. Registration will take place during the first class. Children from Kindergarten to Grade 9 are invited to attend. Please remember to bring a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate as we require them for all children enrolled in Religious Education.

Religious Education Teachers

We are looking for teachers for our Religious Education program beginning on September 15th. If you would be willing to share your faith and contribute to the education of the youth of our parish every Sunday morning for an hour, please contact Dee Dee Logan (642-4933).