Christmas Baskets

On Thanksgiving weekend we are beginning our annual food drive. As always, we are asking you to bring in a particular item on a designated weekend. The items required are:
Weekend Food Items
October 11th Chunky Soup/Stew
October 18th Canned Vegetables
October 25th Canned Ham/Sandwich Filling
November 1st Canned Juice (Apple/Tomato)
November 8th Peanut Butter/Jam
November 15th Ketchup/Relish/Mustard
November 22nd Box of Pasta + Sauce
November 29th Instant Coffee/Canned Milk/Tea
December 6th Kraft Dinner
December 13th Stove Top Stuffing/Gravy/Cranberry Sauce
We also need cash donations to pay for turkeys, milk, bread and other perishable items. These can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The Mitten Trunk will be available in the Church during Advent to receive mittens, socks, hats and gloves for the children.
Your donations have made Christmas better for hundreds of people every year. We fully expect that your continued generosity will enable Holy Trinity to continue that tradition this Christmas.
Times for Registration/Pickup of the Baskets and Empty Stocking Fund will be announced at a later date.
On Thanksgiving weekend we are beginning our annual food drive. As always, we are asking you to bring in a particular item on a designated weekend. The items required are listed in the file linked below.

Note: While we will attempt to run the list of food items each week in the bulletin, space limitations may not make that possible. We suggest you either save the PDF file linked below or print it out for future reference.

Christmas Baskets 2009

We also need cash donations to pay for turkeys, milk, bread and other perishable items. These can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The Mitten Trunk will be available in the Church during Advent to receive mittens, socks, hats and gloves for the children.

Your donations have made Christmas better for hundreds of people every year. We fully expect that your continued generosity will enable Holy Trinity to continue that tradition this Christmas.

Times for Registration/Pickup of the Baskets and Empty Stocking Fund will be announced at a later date.