Weekend Mass Intentions

For those who wish to schedule a Mass intention, the following weekends are still available for the coming year:

April 24 or 25
May 1 or 2
July 24 or 25
July 31 or August 1
August 28 or 29
December 25 or 26

The list above originally ran last weekend, but given the storm we are running it one last time. Please note that we can only schedule Saturday or Sunday on a given weekend. Once one weekend Mass is spoken for, we are required to book the other for the people of parish. As always, contact the office by phone or email to schedule. Should you prefer a weekday Mass, we have openings during every week of the year, and we can usually schedule a Mass for you right up until the week before.

Please Note: List is accurate as of Friday, January 8. List WILL NOT be updated online – please contact office for current availability of Masses.