Religious Education (UPDATED)

We are required to have baptism certificates on file for all Religious Education students (both new and returning) in the fall. Because of this requirement, proof of baptism will be compulsory before your child can register for our religious education program. If you have already given us a copy of your child’s baptism certificate for this past year, there is no need to provide us with another for the fall.

If your child was baptized here at Holy Trinity, please call the office (653-6838) and leave your child’s name and date of birth on our voice mail. If you prefer, you can email us with the same information. That is all we should need to retrieve your child’s baptism information.

Last year some parents had difficulty getting baptism certificates from other parishes. This year, in order to make the process easier, we will try to get the information on your behalf. If your child was baptized in another parish, please contact us with your child’s full name, date of birth, approximate date of baptism, names of parents and godparents, and the name of the parish where the baptism took place.