PAD – Pre-Authorized Debit

We are looking at giving parishioners at Holy Trinity the option of making their Sunday offerings via pre-authorized debit.

What is PAD? It is very similar to automatic bill payments that many parishioners are already familiar with: power, cable, car payments, insurance. Pre-authorized donations made to the church are safe and secure and are handled by our bank.

You authorize the amount and frequency of your offering, which can be changed or cancelled simply by contacting the office.

Confidentiality is extremely important to us when it comes to dealing with your financial information. NO parishioner will have any access to your PAD information. The parish or our bank will not share or use your information for any other purpose.

Just like using a Sunday envelope, you will still get a tax receipt at the end of the year – without having to remember to bring your envelope to church each weekend.

Before setting up this system, we need to know if there is any interest. If you think this is something that might be convenient for you, or you would like more information, please call or email the office. By contacting us, you are under no obligation to sign up.