Category: Information
Christmas Baskets
Requested food item for the weekend of November 2nd/3rd: Ketchup/Relish/Mustard
Sr. Nickerson also needs cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards.
Christmas Baskets
Requested food item for the weekend of October 26th/27th: Peanut Butter/Jam/Chunky Soup/Stew
Sr. Nickerson also needs cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards.
Christmas Baskets
Requested food item for the weekend of October 19th/20th: Canned Juice (Apple/Tomato)
Sr. Nickerson also needs cash donations; and these can be placed in the collection at any time. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Baskets”. The entire list of food items is available on the bulletin boards.
2013 Christmas Baskets
Ministry Schedule
The October – December Ministry Schedule is now available at the entrance of the church or here.
Letter From Bishop Harris
Bishop Harris has written a letter to all members of the Diocese of Saint John encouraging those already participating in ministries to consider enrolling in the upcoming Lay Pastoral Ministry Formation Program. You can find the letter here.
Lay Pastoral Ministry Program
The Diocese of Saint John is happy to announce that another Lay Pastoral Ministry Formation Program will begin November 2013. This is a two-year program that takes place over ten monthly weekends each year. It is a great opportunity for those involved in ministry (within and outside the walls of the church), desiring to learn more about their faith and to grow spiritually, and to develop pastoral skills. It is also a helpful program for those discerning God’s call for ministry. Further information can be found on posters and brochures at the entrance of the church. If you need further information, you may leave a message for Claudette Derdaele, Coordinator of the program, by contacting the Diocese (653-6800). Please note that Diocesan policy requires all applicants to be approved by their parish priest. Registration deadline is September 30th.
Parish Meeting Responses
Easter Schedule
Thursday, March 28 – 7pm – Holy Thursday
Friday, March 29 – 1pm – Good Friday
Saturday, March 30 – 8pm – Easter Vigil *PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE*
Sunday, March 31 – 9:30am – Easter Sunday